Thursday, April 24, 2014

Benefits to a Successful Office Culture

A positive corporate culture is arguably one of the most important, if not the most important aspect to a company’s achievements. Companies with happy employees often see long-term success with their business, less turnover and more dedicated employees.

Take it from Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh, "At Zappos, our belief is that if you get the culture right, most of the other stuff - like great customer service, or building a great long-term brand, or passionate employees and customers - will happen naturally on its own."

Creating a successful office culture takes vision plus the right mix of people. It won’t happen overnight but you can make small changes now to help you get there. Here are three quick ways to get on the path to a healthy and positive office culture.

·         Hire passionate people. It all starts at the roots, if you simply hire people with the skills but no passion you’re missing the mark. People with passion who love what they do will go the extra mile, stay late and work hard to be successful.

·         Reward employees for hard work. Create an incentive program to motivate and encourage healthy competition. Switch it up to keep things interesting by giving cash, a custom company shirt, cards or a few complimentary days off.

·         Attitude over aptitude is key. Ensure your culture has a positive outlook.
Request check-ins with your account leads and keep communication lines open at all times. This will allow any issues that arise to be voiced and heard.

·         Laugh it off. Keep it light and have fun. Most likely you spend the majority of your time at work with your co-workers. Have a good rapport and enjoy their company because it’ll only make your job and your quality of life better.

Getting your culture right has unlimited benefits that can directly affect your bottom line as a business owner. A good culture will create less employee turnover and attract passionate people who are dedicated to their work.

Do you have a positive office culture? What worked for you?

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